Students really need to memorize their multiplication facts. Please help your child by helping them commit those facts to memory. trust me, double digit multiplication and long division will be SO much easier if they know their facts.
Math facts
Students really need to memorize their multiplication facts. Please help your child by helping them commit those facts to memory. trust me, double digit multiplication and long division will be SO much easier if they know their facts.
Mrs. Murdock
Welcome to the 2022-2023 school year! I am excited to get to know each of you, and help you learn all kinds of things this year.
I have a passion for Social Studies and Math, and I love to give students time to sit down and read with their favorite book. I have a pretty big classroom library so we should be able to find something for you to enjoy!
Families: My email is You can email me directly or use ParentSquare which sends me the message directly to my email.
It is very helpful if you keep your child supplied with Dry Erase markers and pencils throughout the year.